Status Of Marion County Indiana Sheriff's Sales
“Debtor” In Alleged Fraudulent Transfer Must Be Liable For Creditor’s Underlying Claim

Indiana Supreme Court's 5/29/20 Order Extending Its 3/16/20 Order Related to COVID Relief And Procedures

On May 29, 2020, the Supreme Court entered the following order:  Order Extending Trial Courts' Emergency Tolling Authority and Setting Expiration of Other Emergency Orders.  The latest order follows-up the original order entered March 16, 2020, which I discussed in the following post from that date:  Indiana State Bar Association: COVID-19 Updates for the Legal Community

Be sure to check your relevant county courts for any local measures adopted.  For example, here in Marion County (Indianapolis), the Indiana State Bar Association released the following on May 18th:

We wanted to share the below update from the Marion Superior and Circuit Courts.

The Indiana Supreme Court has required that all Indiana trial courts seek advice and guidance from stakeholders. Based on this advice and guidance, you can expect that the earliest date the Marion Superior and Circuit Courts may return to any in-person hearings would be June 15. This is based on guidance and orders from the Indiana Supreme Court, collaboration with the controller and other city officials, as well as expert medical advice. 

Due to the high number of COVID-19 positive cases and deaths in Marion County, the courts are currently at least two weeks behind Governor Holcomb's Roadmap to Safely Reopen Indiana. The City-County Building is a particularly tough building to comply with the CDC and state/local health department requirements and recommendations. On an average day, 5,000 individuals enter the building, including employees. The city is in the process of engaging a firm with expertise in assisting all branches of government and city/county agencies in operating safely in a COVID-19 environment. This requires modification of the building in many areas. Some examples are installation of plexiglass, how elevators will be used by staff and the public, use of PPE by employees and the public, and what screening measure(s) will be used to enter the building, just to name a few.

With questions about a case, visit

If you need the assistance of court staff, click here to visit the Marion Superior Court’s website for a listing of essential staff, or click here to visit the Marion County Circuit Court website. This is the best way to obtain information about a particular court and/or that court’s practices and policies during this time. While there is a general voicemail for the court system, court-specific phone communication is not possible at this time.
