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From Marion County Sheriff's Sale Team - Recording of Plaintiff's Deeds

I received the attached email blast from the MCSO Sheriff’s Sale Real Estate Team today:

The Marion County Sheriff’s Office (“MCSO”) requires that the successful bidder notify the MCSO Sheriff’s Sale Real Estate team within one week of the recording date once each deed has been recorded by the Marion County Recorder’s Office.

Effective 10.18.2018 Sheriff sale, please email [email protected] within one week of the deed’s recording date with the:

1. Sheriff’s File #
2. Date the deed was recorded

If you have multiple deeds being recorded, we would ask that you still report each deed within the requested timeframe.

Please submit all questions and/or comments to this email address [email protected] 

Commercial Foreclosure Refresher: Some Basics

A prospective client, who holds a promissory note, which requires an upcoming balloon payment, and a mortgage on commercial real estate securing the note, had these questions for us:

1.    Could the client (effectively, a lender) pursue a default the day after the balloon payment was due?

2.    What did #1 require?

3.    How long would the loan collateral be tied up?

Since I've written about each of these topics in the past, I thought the prospective client's questions made for a nice, short blog post.  Here are the quick answers (as I prepare to head on a fall break vacation with the family):

1.    Depending upon the language in the note, usually yes.  The default and enforcement provisions in the note control.  But, some lenders provide a notice and cure letter as a courtesy, or to initiate settlement discussions.  For more, see Notices of Default, Who Should Send the Letter.   Moreover, while residential/consumer foreclosures require pre-suit notice in Indiana, commercial cases do not:  Indiana's Pre-Suit Notice And Settlement Conference Statute Not Intended For Commercial Foreclosures.  

2.    The Commercial Lender's 8-Item Care Package For Its Foreclosure Attorney

3.    Indiana Foreclosure Process And Timing - The Basics


As A Matter Of First Impression, Indiana Adopts Rule That A Debtor Lacks Standing To Challenge An Assignment

Lesson. Generally, defendants in foreclosure actions - such as borrowers, guarantors or mortgagors - cannot contest the validity of a loan assignment.

Case cite. Duty v. CIT, 86 N.E.3d 214 (Ind. Ct. App. 2017)

Legal issue. Whether a borrower had standing to challenge the assignment of the loan documents from his original lender to the assignee of the loan.

Vital facts. The borrower executed a promissory note and mortgage in favor of lender Wilmington Finance in connection with the purchase of his home. Later, lender CIT Group filed a foreclosure action against him. Shortly thereafter, the loan was assigned to a Trust. A few months later, the trial court entered a judgment against the borrower, who then filed for bankruptcy. Years later, the bankruptcy stay was lifted, and the borrower sought relief from the judgment. By then the loan was held by yet another Trust (another mortgagee). The borrower essentially claimed that one or more of the assignments of the loan documents were faulty.

Procedural history. Following the entry of the foreclosure judgment against the borrower, the borrower moved the trial court to set aside the judgment on the basis that the entity that filed suit against him had no legal right to enforce the loan documents at the time. The trial court denied the motion, and the borrower appealed.

Key rules. As a fundamental matter, a party to an underlying contract lacks standing to attack problems with the reassignment of that contract. Therefore, the general rule across the country is that a debtor may not challenge an assignment between an assignor and assignee. Before Duty, however, that rule had not been adopted in Indiana. The only recognized exception to this rule is if the subject assignment is “void” (such as being made under duress), as opposed to being “voidable,” but the Court in Duty did not address this distinction, which I’ll defer to another day.

Holding. The Indiana Court of Appeals affirmed the trial court and held that the borrower had no standing to challenge the loan assignment.

Policy/rationale. The Duty opinion cited to a bankruptcy opinion from Pennsylvania for the rationale behind the prevailing rule:

[The underlying contract] is between [Debtor] and [Assignor].  [Assignor’s] assignment contract is between [Assignor] and [Assignee]. The two contracts are completely separate from one another.  As a result of the assignment of the contract, [Debtor’s] rights and duties under the [underlying] contract remain the same: The only change is to whom those duties are owed….  [Debtor] was not a party to [the assignment], nor has a cognizable interest in it. Therefore, [Debtor] has no right to step into [Assignor’s] shoes to raise [its] contract rights against [Assignee].  [Debtor] has no more right than a complete stranger to raise [Assignor’s] rights under the assignment contract.

Related posts.

I represent judgment creditors and lenders, as well as their mortgage loan servicers, entangled in contested foreclosure cases. If you need assistance with a similar matter, please call me at 317-639-6151 or email me at [email protected]. Also, don’t forget that you can follow me on Twitter @JohnDWaller or on LinkedIn, or you can subscribe to posts via RSS or email as noted on my home page.