Guaranty of Subsequent Debt
For Summary Judgment On Replevin Claim, 5 Dots To Connect With Affidavit

Promissory Note Defaults Lead To Criminal Prosecution

The Indianapolis Star is reporting that local developer Lee Alig is "facing 20 felonies after prosecutors say he received thousands of dollars of funds from victims through promissory notes he was unable to pay."  The article goes on to state that the Marion County Prosecutor is alleging Alig "took personal profits from eight promissory notes, totaling $340,000 ... [and] had neither the ability to repay those funds nor ownership of the collateral offered as security for those notes."  Although there are few details in the story, the situation is remarkable and potentially frightening for borrowers/guarantors because it seemingly stands in contrast to Indiana civil/constitutional law holding that Jail Time Is Not An Available Remedy In Collection Actions In Indiana.
