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Assistant Commerce Chief Involved In Indiana-Related Commercial Foreclosure

Catching Up With Indiana Legislation

The Indiana General Assembly is in session, and there are a handful of bills related to foreclosures and real estate.  The links below provide some of the details:

Tom Harton, of, has an informative piece today entitled Real estate-related bills still alive in Legislature.

As always, the Indiana Bankers Association provides great links/summaries of various banking-related bills through  There appear to be six bills that could have varying degrees of impact on the Indiana foreclosure and loan enforcement process.  The links below not only summarize the bills but also take you to the actual, proposed legislative changes:

My TTD (things to do) list includes a follow-up post about which bills passed this year.  More to come....   


5-19-11:  The bill links no longer work.  See my May 19th post for updated links and what was enacted.
