With Affidavits Of Debt, Remain Mindful Of The Evidentiary Requirements
Contractual Venue Provisions Enforceable In Indiana

IndyStar: Indiana To Join Multistate Foreclosure Probe

As mentioned in my September 30 post, there is a residential/consumer foreclosure process-related controversy developing that has caught fire with politicians and the media.  The Indianapolis Star reports today that the State of Indiana will be looking into the issues.  Here's the story

While the problems with affidavit preparation, if true, certainly do not reflect well on the residential mortgage industry, in the end one of the key issues will be whether the facts in those affidavits were true and accurate.  I could be wrong, but none of the media reports (that I've seen, at least) claim that the court-filed affidavits were false.  In other words, the underlying documents and facts still may have supported the loan default and/or the damages claimed.  We'll have to see how that matter unfolds in these governmental probes.    
